
Jinlin Chen (陈金琳)

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I am a community ecologist who is also passionate about nature conservation, sustainability, and environmental justice. I am interested in studying population dynamics, species interactions and the impact of anthropogenic activities on ecological processes and functioning.

I’m a postdoc with Owen Lewis at Oxford. My current research focus is on the legacy of extreme events on biological communities. Extreme events open up a transient stage where evolutionary and ecological processes happen at a fast pace, interacting with each other to decide how the post-extreme communities will rewire. I am using manipulative experiments (semi-field) to explore if and how extreme temperature events will increase/decrease the resilience of biological communities to increasingly variable climates in the future. Additionally, I am collaborating on projects related to the evolutionary adaptation to variable thermal environments, the thermal ecology of parasitoids, and the role of endosymbiont/pathogen on host-parasitoid/parasite interactions.

My main work relies on a highly versatile experimental system —— rainforest Drosophila and their natural enemies, parasitoid wasps. This multi-trophic system with multiple hosts and parasitoid species has empowered me and my colleagues to study species range, ecological networks, direct and indirect biological effects of climate change, species coexistence and evolution! If you would like to learn more about my projects and the study system, please feel free to contact me directly.

My PhD studies also used this system to study thermal responses across different biological levels (i.e. organisms, populations, and communities). I have applied this knowledge to better understand species distribution and coexistence. Previously in my undergraduate study, I explored multiple research topics such as neurobiology, population genetics and biodiversity conservation. My undergraduate thesis was on individual-based simulation to infer the dispersal patterns of the white-headed langur.


My email is jinlin.chen (at) biology.ox.ac.uk

Special thanks to Emilien Dupont for help with the website~